Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Perm-mullet...

As I've mentioned before, my Dad was a service member in the National Guard and played in the National Guard Band on the drum line....I'm not quite sure how long he served, I'm guessing it was quite sometime since he enlisted when he was 17 and got out when I was almost through elementary school (I'm thinking the number was around 13 years). the time he got out he was READY to get out (and this was against my grandfather's good advice to stay in his 20 years and get his retirement and health insurance benefits, mind you)...and this showed. Over the months following his discharge, his hair started to grow...and grow...and grow...and one day he came home with a really tight-curled perm. Not just a perm...a permed MULLET. Now, this would have been REALLY cool in the 80's (this was mid-to-late 90's now)...but my Dad's inner rockstar just wouldn't let it die with the decade, especially since he never got to sport the look having been enlisted all of the 80's. I remember being absolutely horrified that my Dad had a perm AND a mullet, I guess that even at that age I knew it was just a tad bit outdated.

Oh well, I'm glad that my Dad got to recapture his rebellious youth, even if just for a little while! You go Dad! ;-)

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